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your phone, tablet, laptop,
desktop, and smart TV.
Watch as much as you want,
anytime you want.
Endless options.
From new releases, to your
favorite classics, and exclusive
originals, there’s always
something new to discover.
See our full library here.

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within our Apple and Android apps.
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you’re traveling and offline.

Toveedo was designed to be a safer and simpler place for Jewish kids.
No need to look over their shoulder. Always educational and entertaining, we bring quality kosher videos to your children in a safe place.
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Toveedo is an APP and website that has a wide variety of educational, fun entertainment for kids in a safe, ad-free space. In today’s day and age, even very young children spend time watching videos and Toveedo ensures that the content that we create and license is up to our Torah values.
Have more questions about what Toveedo is? Send us an email, we’d love to hear from you! info@toveedo.com
The Toveedo subscription is $129.99/year, which comes to be less than $11 a month!
The Toveedo library contains over 1,000 videos including the newest music videos out there. We regularly add NEW and EXCLUSIVE content to our site.
Our content is geared towards kids up to the age of 10. Although admittingly, the older siblings and their parents enjoy Toveedo just as much!